Hey everyone, today we decided to post a fun PSA on needle groupings. Not that we want to judge, but surprisingly there seems to be some confusion as to different needle groupings, what they look like, and what they are used for. Granted, we know that there really isn't streamlined schooling for tattooing, and you have only your mentors to rely on for information, along with confusing marketing, but we have given this demonstration to enough professional tattooers, that we thought it may have some value to post here. Just to clear the air, and give a little more understanding about the basic cartridge groupings available, and point you in the right direction when it comes to picking up the right cartridge groupings for you. And if you would like more information, by all means drop by the warehouse, or give us a call. Or if you just want to get your hands on some Mythic Premium Tattoo Cartridges, you can get them by visiting our online store at www.bleedingedgetattoosupply.com